Tile grout is chemical resistant substances
Some types of grout, such as epoxy grout, such as Teknobond 700 or polyurethane-based grout, have improved chemical resistance.
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Teknobond 700 is a two-component, chemical- and bacterial-resistant, epoxy-based tile joint filler.
Fields of application:
Grout properties:
Химическая основа | Смесь на основе эпоксидной смолы |
Цвет | Белый, серый, черный |
Срок годности |
12 месяцев в закрытой оригинальной упаковке
Упаковка | 5 кг упаковка |
Температура применения | +10 °С - + 27 °С |
Время жизни смеси | 2 часа (при + 27 °С) |
Готовность к эксплуатации | 24 часа |
Расход | 3 - 4 кг/м2 |
Прочность на изгиб | ≥ 30 Н/мм² (EN 12808-3) |
Прочность на давление | ≥ 45 Н/мм² (EN 12808-3) |
Износостойкость | ≤ 250 мм³ |
Термоустойчивость | - 20 °С - +80 °С |
Водопоглощение через 240 мин | с 0,1 |
Усадка | 1,5 мм/м |
Surface quality, joints and joint surfaces must be dry and free from any kind of dust, dirt, loose and loose particles, residues of cement mortar, oil and grease.
In order for Teknobond 700 not to stick to the floor covering and not to waste time and money on cleaning later, you should use masking tape. It is glued to the coating in such a way that it does not cover the joint. After filling the seams, the tape is removed and thrown away.
Component B should be added to component A and mixed with a low-speed electric mixer (350 - 400 rpm) for 2-3 minutes until a homogeneous working mixture is obtained.
Teknobond 700 can be applied with a gun. After pouring the finished solution into the gun, attach the appropriate nozzle and fill the seams.
The remains of the grout on the tiles should be washed off with a sponge soaked in warm water, avoiding moisture getting on unrubbed seams.
Some types of grout, such as epoxy grout, such as Teknobond 700 or polyurethane-based grout, have improved chemical resistance.
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Read articleThe choice between epoxy and cementitious grout depends on the specific needs and conditions of use. If high strength, moisture and chemical resistance, and aesthetics are important, epoxy grout may be the best option.
Read articleOne important condition is the quality and reliability of the existing tile layer.
Read articleYou need to buy glue with a high adhesion index, such as Teknofay Plus C1TE.
Read articleDue to its advantages and high wear resistance, epoxy grouts can be used in a variety of fields.
Read articleWhen choosing any of the options, it is recommended to carry a piece of tile with you in order to perfectly match the grout, whether it is in tone with the tile or completely contrasting.
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