Hydro seal Teknoplug (Текноплаг)

Products > Repair compound for concrete

Hydro seal Teknoplug (Текноплаг)

A special repair compound for quickly stopping active water leaks.

834 uah
Wholesale price 750 uah from 5 bucket

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Teknoplug is a fast–setting repair compound based on special cements and active chemical additives for instant stopping of active water leaks, installation and repair work.


  • Before performing waterproofing to stop and seal places of active water leakage in the form of leakage in basements, partition walls of foundations, reinforced concrete water tanks and concrete pipes
  • For basements and elevator pits
  • For waterproofing of cable and pipe passages in walls
  • For sealing structural joints and cracks in tanks and other structures intended for water storage, including drinking water
  • For large engineering structures such as metro, highways, dams, tunnels
  • For fixing metal anchors, filling gaps and waterproofing tension fittings inside the formwork

Features / Advantages

  • Non-toxic, can contact with drinking water
  • Instantly seizes upon contact with water (up to 30 seconds)
  • It has high adhesion to the surface
  • Easy to use
  • One-component, mixed only with water
  • Does not shrink and does not crack
  • Allows subsequent application of waterproofing material (after 15 minutes)
  • Does not cause corrosion of metal
  • It has high resistance to mechanical influences



Application temperature

+5°C - +30 °C


Bucket of 5 kg


270 gr of water / 1 kg of powder

Expiration date

6 months in the closed original packaging


1 minute 


~ 2 kg per 1000 cm3

Full curing time

2 minutes

Foundation quality / preliminary preparation

The base must be clean and strong. Before applying the material, the surface must be thoroughly soaked with water. Places of active water filtration should be embroidered at least 20 mm wide and deep, and all weak parts of concrete should be removed.

Preparation of the working solution

If there are active leaks on the surface, the solution can not be mixed, since there will be enough water on the surface to use the material.

If there are no active leaks on the surface, the Teknoplug dry mixture should be mixed with water in the proportion of 270 ml per 1 kg of the mixture to a plastic state.


After you knead the solution to a dough state, wait until the mixture starts to heat up, shape the solution into a cone and place it in a crack or cavity. Hold the solution (up to 60 seconds) until the hardening begins. Remove excess material with sandpaper or an abrasive disc. If there are a lot of leaks, start grouting from the top.
After applying Teknoplug to the surface, it is recommended to apply Teknomer 100 for absolute waterproofing protection.


  • Kneading should be done by hand or with a spatula. Mix thoroughly and quickly until a plastic dough is formed
  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. In case of contact with eyes or skin, the affected areas should be thoroughly rinsed with water
  • The material should not be applied to a frozen surface
  • Do not use the material to fill the expansion joints
  • It is not allowed to knead the re-hardened material
  • Do not use the material if hard lumps have formed in it

1. What is a hydro seal?

Hydro seal is a fast-acting cement-based repair compound that instantly eliminates leaks in concrete, including active ones. Thanks to special chemical additives, the hydro seal will reliably eliminate any leakage within 30-100 seconds.

2. What should I do if water leaves the pool?

First of all, establish the reason. This may be a malfunction of valves, valves, etc., the appearance of small cracks on the waterproofing or the occurrence of leakage. In case of a leak, you just need to find it and seal it with a hydraulic seal. It will take a maximum of 5 minutes. 

3. How to seal up a water leak in concrete?

The only way to eliminate leakage on the concrete surface qualitatively is to use a hydraulic seal that will cope with the problem in minutes.

4. How to use a hydro seal?

It is necessary to work with the hydraulic seal quickly, since after 1-2 minutes the mixture will already harden. Mix a small amount of dry powder with water to a plastic state and seal the leak, holding the material with your hand for about a minute.

5. How much does a hydro seal cost?

The cost of 1 kg of hydraulic seals is 83-128 UAH for February 2022. It is supplied in buckets of 3 and 20 kg.

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Hydro seal Teknoplug

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