Teknobond 400 D(Текнобонд 400Д)

Products > Waterproofing materials

Teknobond 400 D(Текнобонд 400Д)

Two-part epoxy structural adhesive

2268 uah

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Teknobond 400 D is a solvent-free, two-part epoxy structural adhesive and repair mortar.

  • repair and sealing of expansion, working and expansion joints in a system with Teknomer thermoplastic tapes;
  • repair, gluing and gluing building materials together
  • (concrete, brick, stone, marble, metal, wood, glass, PVC, etc.);
  • sealing of ladders and drainage systems;
  • anchoring of reinforcing studs and equipment;
  • filling of seams and cracks.

Features / Benefits

  • high adhesion to all materials and bases;
  • high resistance to mechanical damage;
  • high wear resistance;
  • high chemical resistance;
  • does not require priming materials;
  • does not contain solvents;
  • can be applied on wet concrete bases;
  • water and steam impermeable.


Химическая основа Смесь на основе эпоксидной смолы
Упаковка 5 кг упаковка
Срок годности 12 месяцев
Условия хранения
Хранить в сухой среде от +5 до +30 °C, в закрытой оригинальной упаковке.
Цвет Серый
Время жизни смеси 40 минут (20 °C)
Начало схватывания 60 минут (20 °C)
Ввод в эксплуатацию 24 часа
Плотность 1,6 кг/л
Расход 0,1 кг для крепления арматуры D16 мм в отверстии D20 мм
Прочность на изгиб >25 Н/мм²
Прочность на сжатие >75 Н/ мм²
Адгезия к бетону >14 Н/мм²
Водопоглощение через 240 мин ≤ 0,1 
Температура эксплуатации - 30 °C - + 90 °C


Substrate quality / pre-treatment
The application surface must be dry and free from dust, dirt, loose and loose particles, cement mortar residues, oil and grease. If there are weak concrete parts on the surface, they should be removed and the surface repaired with Teknogrout or Teknorep repair mortars.
The concrete base must be strong and have sufficient compressive strength (minimum 25 N/mm²) and a peel strength of at least 1.5 N/mm².
Mixing components
Component B should be added to component A and mixed with a low speed electric mixer (350 - 400 rpm) for 2-3 minutes until a homogeneous working mixture is obtained.
For gluing Teknomer thermoplastic tape:
The finished mixture is applied with a spatula to the surface on each side of the tape to a width of at least 5 cm.
Do not apply glue to the middle of the tape.
After gluing the tape to the base, the mixture is applied to the edges of the outer side of the tape to a width of 5 cm with overlapping edges.
To avoid loss of elasticity of the tape, it is recommended to lay it not tightly, but with a margin of sagging along the seam.
For anchoring reinforcing bars:
The diameter of the anchoring holes must be 4 mm larger than the diameter of the reinforcing bars. The mixture is laid in the hole at 2/3 of the depth. The reinforcing rod is also lubricated with the material before installation and is inserted into the hole with rotation until it stops.​

Product publications

Sealing of expansion joints
Sealing of expansion joints

Expansion joints are special joints that are created in building structures to compensate for possible deformations that occur due to temperature changes, shrinkage, soil movement and other factors

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How to fill the expansion joint between the foundations?
How to fill the expansion joint between the foundations?

To fill the expansion joint between foundations, special sealants or tape materials are usually used, which provide flexibility and the ability to compensate for deformations and movements between adjacent foundations

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How to seal expansion joints in concrete?
How to seal expansion joints in concrete?

Expansion joints in concrete can be sealed with a variety of materials depending on project requirements and the type of joint.

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Do I need to make a deformation seam?
Do I need to make a deformation seam?

Expansion joints are planned gaps in a structure that allow control of deformations caused by thermal or mechanical stresses, and also reduce the likelihood of cracks and damage in concrete or stone.

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